Wednesday, April 1, 2009

VJGC Blanket #61

This is the first of two blankets that i sewed together for PineKnott. she sent me a box of 96 squares!! all ready in the sets that she wanted. she enjoys making the squares and i enjoy sewing them together so we make a great team LOL
Pine I am sorry I did not get a better border on this one but I ran out of the Mexicana yarn.


1 comment:

KimO said...

This is so pretty. The verigated color is the exact same color mom used to make my poncho and matching hat when we were in jr. high. As a matter of fact I found the hat in her cedar chest the other day and was telling Mimi about it. Yours was a brown verigated, do you remember it?

This is a pretty afghan. How colorful and fun.