Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Well everyone we did it!! we meant our goal of 100 blankets to deliver to the Victory Junction Gang Camp!!!! I want to thank everyone that help me again this year!! for without all you ladies out here that give so much of yourselves this could not have happened. you all do so much more than I and oh my lord at all the talented crocheters we have out her!! way to many great blankets here to even think about choosing a favorite.
and I think we have all managed to find a couple of new patterns that we will be wanting to try out LOL

I was only able to take a couple pictures at the camp. as I had NO Idea that they have hours to which you can take a tour:( and they had no where for me to display on these great blankets for you all to see. but none the less I took a couple.

now we will all rest and get ready for our next years challenge LOL

I pray that God will lay many,many blessing on each and everyone of you. for i feel bless just knowing you all.

This is the big Balloon that stand over the camp

This is the Travel center, which is right outside the gates. this is as far as you can go without a tour guilde

Meet my hubby of 31 years. we are standing with the camps mascot. John was happy to go with me and help can't you tell! LOL

This is inside the Travel center which is way small! but you can see there are 7 bags of blankets standing here and a couple more that we were unable to get as my sister-in-law could not back up any more! the gentleman standing with me was in charge of the center this day



Susan said...

106!!! Way To Go!!! :-)

~ Susan

June said...

Good job, Sissie! Bet you had a good time visiting the camp. Thank you for being in charge of this project!

Dragonflymom said...

wow, I am so glad you made the goal!!! Love the pictures.

Marie Anne said...

Awesome job! I'd love to get in on it, so let me know when you're doing it again.

Sandy said...

So glad you were able to make your goal, so sorry I was unable to help this time round.

This is the first summer in several that I've not gotten a ghan or two to them. sigh

Thanks for sharing the pics.

Sandy said...

Checking back to see how you're doing. Been awhile since you've posted, and since I've heard from ya. Hope things are going well.

I'm behind in my knitting and crochet, and in doing laundry in general. Things are just too busy sometimes.


Ghost said...

Boy I know that all of your fabulous efforts were appreciated! I know it was a lot of work but such great rewards you must be feeling as you delivered all of these ghans to those who needed them. Hats off to you.

Ghost said...
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Sandy said...

Me checking in again on you, wondering how you are, and hoping you're alright.


Sandy said...

One last visit to wish you a Merry Christmas. It appears you're not blogging anymore.

Please stop in if you start to blog again, I'll re-add you to my blog log.


Ghost said...

Hi, what are you doing this year?

Paulissa Kipp Visual Arts said...

Wow! That is so impressive. The camp looks so cheery!

Sandy said...

Me popping in again to say hi, wondering how you're doing. Been ages and then some since I've heard from ya
